Wednesday, January 31, 2007

No Hollywood Glamor!

I really didn't think it would be so difficult to find pictures of realy people in the 50's. Everything is Hollywood pictures, or glamorous styles and what not. Anyway, I'm discovering that people really didn't look as gorgeous and glamorous as I always thought they did. they were just kind of plain, like now, only even more plain... and less people were over weight. probably from all that dancing. I guess they didn't really have as many indoor things like TV, internet and video games and what not. The went out dancing a lot more. And they went to the movies. Well off to 6 hours of class I go. I have to work on my cinematography project, but I plan on forcing my boyfriend to watch Night of the Demon and Curse of the Demon with me tonight for some more relaxing research. See everyone tomorrow!

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