Goodbye to Sandra D
Well, I have to say that this has been one of my favorite experiences. Second only to Six Flags, Grease is me favorite endevor I've taken part in. I'll be extremely sad to see it go.
I want to say thanks to all of the amazing people who made this show happen. I have learned so much through this experience, from some of the most talented people I've ever had the joy of working with. I have to say I was extremely suprized and honored when Scott called me and told me I had been cast in Grease, and that feeling still hasn't changed.
To everyone who saw and supported the show, thank you too. If theatre goers didn't go to the theatre then is wouldn'y happen. We have had extremely supportive crowds, and have been very well recieved, and I more then anybody am extremely happy.
Lastly, thank you to Scott and everyone who taught me so much throughout the rehearsal process and the shows run. I walk out of this much more mature then I was coming into it.
I intend to come see Urinetown, and I'm sure it will be just as great, and hopefully just as successful as Grease has been.
Closing my Grease blog, and signing off!